Posts tagged the college admissions scandal
The College Admissions Scandal - New Yorker Review

The New Yorker has published it’s review of Michael’s latest Lifetime telemovie, “The College Admissions Scandal” scheduled to air this coming weekend, 12 October at 8pm/7pm Central on the Lifetime Movie Network.

The film depicts the real-life story behind the FBI’s Operation Varsity Blues, the investigation into the criminal conspiracy to obtain college admissions on false pretenses.

Summing up the film, reviewer Troy Patterson writes:

“The crimes described here seem heinous because they subvert the founding myths of meritocracy, and this Lifetime movie—with its strokes of low-brow expressionism, its inadvertently funny production values, its clever lead performances—converts the news story into an exhilarating nightmare.”

Check out the full review on the New Yorker website.